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About ACLA

About ACLA

The Asian Canadian Labour Alliance (ACLA) is a grassroots collective of community and labour activists.

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Our Times Feature

Our Times Feature

ACLA was featured in Our Times Magazine. Read the entire article here.

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ACLA 20th Year Anniversary Sponsors

ACLA 20th Year Anniversary Sponsors

Thank you to the following unions for sponsoring ACLA's 20th Anniversary Projects and Celebrations

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Rally for Everyone April 9, 2011

The 10,000 person rally on April 9th showed that the people of Toronto are calling on City Hall and Mayor Rob Ford to show respect for all – not just a select few.

The next event to watch for is on Thursday, April 26th, when the City’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee will decide on the Mayor’s proposal to privatize all recycling and garbage collection west of Yonge Street. The majority of the committee are expected to go along with his plan, even though the numbers don’t make sense. The cost of collection in Toronto averages $79 per ton, lower than the Ontario average of $103 and far less than private collection in other GTA municipalities. …

Myth of the Ethnic Vote

Does the ‘ethnic vote’ exist? If it does, will it have any political clout in the 2 March elections? Nick Economou examines the complexities of the ethnic lobby and its potential. Read the article http://www.multiculturalaustralia.edu.au/doc/economou_1.pdf

OFL Workers of Colour Assembly – March 25 & 26

Workers of Colour Assembly/Educational March 25 & 26, 2011 OFL Building, 15 Gervais Drive, Auditorium, Toronto   This will be the first ever OFL Workers of Colour Assembly/Educational organized by the OFL Workers of Colour Committee co-sponsored by the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Latin American Trade Unionists Coalition and Asian Canadian Labour Alliance.  For…

An Open Letter to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper

Dear Prime Minister:

Re:       Stop the Attack on Employment Equity

As Canadians who believe in a discrimination-free society, we are writing to express our grave concerns regarding recent comments made by the Hon. Stockwell Day, President of the Treasury Board, who insinuated that the Federal Employment Equity program is barring qualified Canadians from job opportunities in the federal public service. 

We are equally dismayed by similar comments made by the Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, who stated that all Canadians should have an equal opportunity to work for their government based on merit, regardless of race or ethnicity, as if to suggest that unmerited candidates from racialized communities are taking over the jobs of qualified white candidates, thanks to affirmative action.

The truth, as you are well aware, is the opposite.  Employment equity guarantees merit-based hiring because it removes artificial barriers to employment.  All too often, qualified candidates from racialized communities do not get hired because of their race or ethnicity.…

Justice for Suresh

  The Asian Canadian Labour Alliance  (ACLA) echoes the sentiments of numerous community organizations that have raised their concerns regarding the extradition process against Mr. Suresh Sriskandarajah.  ACLA strongly opposes the efforts by the Canadian judiciary and our elected representatives to extradite Mr. Sriskandarajah to the United States. In the current climate where individuals, groups…

2010 Toronto Municipal Elections: Racialized Candidates Forum

Over 50 community members gathered together on July 13, 2010 to hear from 4 racialized candidates running for City Council in the 2010 Toronto Municipal Elections.  The event was co-hosted by ACLA, CBTU and LATUC featured Kristyn Wong-Tam (Ward 27), Cadigia Ali (Ward 2), Neethan Shan (Ward 42) and Karen Sun (Ward 19).

ACLA Joins Press Conference Re: G20

Release G20 ‘political

prisoners’: rights groups

Last Updated: Monday, July 5, 2010 | 3:13 PM ET Comments71Recommend41

The Canadian Press

Civil rights groups say mass detentions during the G20 summit were an abuse of power. (CBC)

The mass detention of people and widespread use of police force over the G20 summit weekend was a gross abuse of state power that demands an independent inquiry and the immediate release of “political prisoners,” a civil-rights coalition said Monday.